Weed Eradication
Keeping Noxious Weeds At Bay.

Coastal Custodians are working in collaboration with DOC, Auckland Council, Free The Tree and Te Korowai o Waiheke to deliver a strategic synchronised maintenance and control programme for North Western Waiheke.
The aim of this section is to inform and educate residents and stakeholders so we may maximise our combined community efforts as we all work towards 100% weed eradication.
A weed management plan is in operation in conjunction with Coastal Custodian volunteers and authorised contractors who are commissioned to conduct eradication work on the DOC Reserve under the Community Agreement Authority .
Questions regarding policy and process from volunteers and or contractors should be directed to: [email protected]
Weed Control Contractors: (List below does not imply any specific recommendations)
- Free The Tree (Coastal Custodian H&S Approved Contractor) – Richard Margesson 021 080 79428 Email: [email protected]
- Goodwood Aotearoa – Clea Gardiner 027 483 7050 Email: [email protected]
- Roman Ord 022 540 5043
- Waiheke Resources Trust – 093722915
- Tony King-Turner – 0274976247
- Brent Hutchinson 027 445 6265 www.landscapegardeners.co.nz/contact
- Grow Landscapes & Gardens – Cameron McKenzie 021 027 52240 or 09 372 5804 Email: [email protected] growlandscapes.co.nz
Weed Chemical Instructions and Brand Recommendations: CLICK HERE https://coastalcustodians.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Agrichem-Use-Plan_Free-The-Tree-Coastal-Custodians-Version-1_27-03-2024-1.pdf
Health & Safety Work Authorisation For Approved Contractors to operate on the DOC Matietie Reserve; Contractors please complete and submit the Coastal Custodians DOC approved H&S compliance form: CLICK HERE
Weed Identification & Eradication Instruction Videos:
- Woolly Nightshade (Tobacco Plant)Rhamnus (Evergreen Buckthorn), Pampas and Moth Plant (Milk Weed)
Introduction & instruction videos: CLICK HERE
Key weed varieties listed below:
Moth Plant – Araujia sericifera
Germinates in light wells or semi-shade inside established forest, often long distance from seed source, and smothers and kills plants up into the canopy, preventing the establishment of native plant species.

Bushy, semi-woody, much branched shrub or small tree (<2-3 m) with ribbed and woolly young stems that become smooth as they mature. Smooth, leathery, bright-green leaves (70 x 35 mm) have irregularly toothed edges and are arranged alternately on the stems. Bright yellow daisy-like flowers (25-30 mm diameter) are produced from September to February and are followed by hard oval green fruit (6-9 mm) which ripen to black and each contain a hard seed.
Buckthorn (Rhamnus)
Evergreen Buckthorn, often multi-stemmed, shrub or tree (<2-3m tall, occasionally <15 m) with hairy, angular, purplish shoots. Ovalish, leathery leaves (15-60 x 10-30 mm) are glossy above, entire or toothed sharply or blunt along the edges. Plants are either male or female, with small, green, petal-less fragrant flowers (3-4 mm diameter, May-Nov) followed by many showy, glossy berries (5-7 mm long, Dec-Jan) ripening from dark red to black.
Forms dense stands and prevents the establishment of native plant seedlings. Acts as a low shrub on windswept rocky shores or understorey shrub in tall canopy.
Climbing Asparagus
Smothers forest floor and understorey to 4 m, preventing the establishment of native plant seedlings and growth of established species. Raises light levels, causing the invasion of further weeds. Can ringbark and kill soft-barked shrubs and trees, and invades areas where epiphytes are usually found, replacing already vulnerable species.
Common Waiheke Weeds
Including below plus: Arum Lily, Cape Ivy, Blue Morning Glory, Himalayan Honeysuckle, Chinese Jasmine, Plectranthus, and Wild Ginger. Weedbusters Detailed Information Pages ERADICATION INFORMATION
Chemical Use Instructions
LINK: Free The Tree -Agrichem Weed Chemical Plan
Recommended Suppliers Include: Rainbow & Brown – Cut N Paste

Volunteers, Please Note: Foliar spraying by non-professionals on the DOC Matietie Historic Reserve is prohibited. Approved Contractors contact admin